Friday, February 26, 2010

Those big eyes

All I can say is "She is so cute" Those big eyes. What do you think??

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CPPA Connecticut Professional Photographers Association

Hey everyone. It has been a busy beginning to the New Year. Recently Leo and I attended our annual Photography Convention with the Connecticut Professional Photographers Association (CPPA). We learned some fresh new ideas and concepts that we are going to put into place.

CPPA is a very important organization for any Professional Photographer to be involved with. The organization gives you the opportunity to learn from other great photographers.

In any profession, education is key to becoming the very best. Our profession is always changing and can be very challenging. A photographer needs to learn about the new and exciting techniques. If you don't belong you are truly missing an opportunity to learn from some of the best in the industry.

With CPPA there are print competitions where your work is judged by leading professional photographers. They will take the time critique your print. This is an excellent way to learn and produce better images. You need to be a cut above everyone else in order to successful.

Hope you enjoy some of our award winning images.

One last very important note Leo is now on the board of directors for the Connecticut Professional Photographers Association.

Become a fan of Angel Moon Photography on Facebook -

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Come and visit us on Facebook

Come check us out on Facebook. Leo and I both have a profile (Leo Hebert and Liz Wirtemburg Hebert) but we have a fan page for Angel Moon Photography. To check us out go to and become a fan. Let us know what you like. We will be posting samples of our images ranging from our Angel Babies to our Weddings.

We will be posting specials also. Hope to see you there.

Gavin's 1st Birthday

Gavin's 1st Birthday

How can one little guy be so cute? Just looking at him with that smile and you just melt. Let us know what you think?

Just click on Gavin's 1st birthday and view the video.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tiffany and Jeremy"s Engagement

Tiffany and Jeremy had their first kiss here at Bantam Lake. They also got engaged here.